First-time fix rate: how to improve one of FSM’s most important metrics? 

The question of how to improve the First-time fix rate in the dynamic landscape of field service management (FSM) is one of the fundamental ones amidst the myriad of metrics that gauge success for companies that aim to achieve operational efficiency. As businesses strive to provide swift, reliable solutions to customers’ needs, enhancing this vital metric is essential to measure the success of the provided service.

In this article, we will delve into proven strategies, best practices, and innovative approaches that industry frontrunners employ to maximize efficiency within their FSM operations.

1. What is the first-time fix rate? Why is it important?

The first-time fix rate is the metric that quantifies the frequency when a technician effectively resolves a problem during the first intervention.

A high first-time fix rate indicates a high level of efficiency, effectiveness, and expertise within the FSM organization. It signifies that technicians possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to diagnose and rectify problems promptly, minimizing customer inconvenience and reducing operational costs.

Conversely, a low first-time fix rate suggests inefficiencies in the service delivery process, potentially leading to prolonged service durations, dissatisfied customers, and increased operational expenses.

2. Factors that influence the first-time fix rate

The first-time fix rate is a complex metric that is influenced by several factors:

  • to what extent the intervention management process is optimized
  • skills and expertise of the technicians
  • the state of development of your knowledge base
  • the ways and means how your customers troubleshoot
  • customer expectations

The multifaceted nature of these factors necessitates a holistic approach to service delivery, therefore it is essential to understand how to improve each of them, so the general outcome would be an increased first-time fix rate.

3. How to optimize the intervention management process to increase the first-time fix rate?

The utilization of advanced tools and technologies such as remote diagnostics solutions and field service management software are the key elements that determined how high your first-time fix rate will be. These innovations empower technicians with real-time information, enabling them to diagnose and resolve issues swiftly and accurately during the initial service visit.

In order to solve the interventions during the first interaction, it is essential that the technician fully understands the encountered problem. Field service management software is an intelligent tool that matches the right technician with the appropriate skills, availability, and proximity to the intervention, stores the interventions in one place, and allows technicians to enrich them with relevant data.

When it comes to performing interventions on-site, numerous constraints can decrease the first-time fix rate if there is not a sufficient number of communication lines that would permit technicians to facilitate collaboration with teammates or customers. Field service management software powered by remote visual assistance allows smooth communication because technicians can use both  – a real-time video call and video report for asynchronous collaboration – when they need to troubleshoot. In one click they can share a 360° view of the problem with their colleagues and experts in service centers to receive assistance.

4. How to foster technician training to improve the first-time fix rate?

Having a clear understanding of the maintenance required for your company’s assets is the first step before finding the appropriate technicians whose level of expertise would be efficient for the management of these assets.

Ensuring that they stay up-to-date with technological advancements is the next step. All the knowledge that is gathered inside the interventions in the field service management software can be used for the learning materials destined for employee training. The repository about the problem types, video recordings of the problems’ resolutions, and interactions with customers can constitute guides and tutorials that will boost technicians’ competencies. Prepared personnel has more chances to resolve interventions within the first interaction which will drive the first-time fix rate metric higher.

Encouraging knowledge sharing and collaboration among technicians is another factor that contributes to the development of their professional skills. Remote visual assistance capabilities allow adding tags and comments to the pinpointed moments in the video recordings of the interventions. The technician can share explanations with his/her colleagues. These explanations can also be used for FAQs and knowledge banks that contain answers to the most frequently encountered problems.

5. How can advanced knowledge management capabilities improve first-time fix rate?

The importance of capitalization on the generated knowledge for the sake of improving the first-time fix rate was discussed in the previous paragraph. Now let’s dive into the technological advancements that ensure that all data is stored in one place. Nowadays businesses use different CRM, EAM, FSM, CMMS, UcaaS, etc. solutions powered by numerous integrations to suit their operational needs. This constitutes different databases that have to be somehow connected, so the company can collect and assess all the generated data. It is possible thanks to universal connectors.

WebSDK allows building custom integrations in a matter of several minutes so you could access your tools from anywhere.

Imagine that remote visual assistance is easily integrated into your favorite FSM software. The technicians can trigger video calls directly from the desktop of the FSM solution or from the FSM’s mobile app when they are in mobility. It is convenient and does not require changing their user habits. As a result, the intervention can be performed with precision, efficiently, and within the very first dispatch of the technician. Thanks to video archives that can be consulted at any time, it is possible to provide technicians with access to necessary spare parts and equipment, minimizing the need for return visits.

6. Why do the ways your customers troubleshoot impact the first-time fix rate?

How do you find out about the occurred malfunctions? Do technicians rely on traditional means of communication (phones, emails, etc) to report them? If the answer is yes, then the following obstacles can occur:

  • loss of data
  • inability to share voluminous attachments that describe the problem due to data cap
  • time constraints in case of different geographic locations
  • experts overwhelmed with queries, and so on.

It does not sound like an effective way to handle queries and in case of emergency, it can cost companies significant losses.

Remote visual assistance can eliminate this opportunity as a video call can be triggered directly from the intervention/work order/ticket/case.

As for the video report that the technician can film on his/her own, enrich with relevant files, and share with an expert for assistance, it can be accessed in the same way as a real-time video call + via assistance form and QR code that can be pasted on the machines.

By having several ways of troubleshooting, you are granting your technicians great flexibility and adaptability. A clear picture of the problem increases the chances that the intervention will be completed during the first visit.

7. How do customer expectations impact the first-time fix rate?

When customers report an issue requiring field service intervention, their expectations often revolve around the technician’s ability to accurately diagnose and resolve the problem in a single visit. If the technician fails to identify the root cause or provides an incorrect diagnosis, it can lead to additional visits, prolonged downtime, and a lower first-time fix rate.

Customers expect professional conduct and clear communication from field technicians. Field service management software notifies them when a technician dispatches, which allows customers to prepare.

In turn, remote visual assistance capabilities regarding real-time calls and asynchronous collaboration also contribute to maintaining the professional image of the technician and reassure customers that the intervention will be performed efficiently.

After the intervention, the customer can have access to the archive with the recording and all the supporting files in case of any questions.

The embedded feedback form at the end of the session helps companies monitor customer satisfaction and use the gathered insights for improvement.

7. How do customer expectations impact the first-time fix rate?

When customers report an issue requiring field service intervention, their expectations often revolve around the technician’s ability to accurately diagnose and resolve the problem in a single visit. If the technician fails to identify the root cause or provides an incorrect diagnosis, it can lead to additional visits, prolonged downtime, and a lower first-time fix rate.

Customers expect professional conduct and clear communication from field technicians. Field service management software notifies them when a technician dispatches, which allows customers to prepare.

In turn, remote visual assistance capabilities regarding real-time calls and synchronous collaboration also contribute to maintaining the professional image of the technician and reassure customers that the intervention will be performed efficiently.

After the intervention, the customer can have access to the archive with the recording and all the supporting files in case of any questions.

The embedded feedback form at the end of the session helps companies monitor customer satisfaction and use the gathered insights for improvement.

8. How does fostering a culture of excellence increase the first-time fix rate?

A culture of excellence promotes continuous learning and skill development among field technicians, as well as the importance of reward and recognition. By acknowledging and rewarding their efforts in achieving a high first-time fix rate, organizations can boost technicians’ morale and engagement. Motivated technicians are more likely to approach their work with enthusiasm, dedication, and a strong commitment to resolving issues correctly on the first visit.

Recognition and rewards contribute to job satisfaction among field technicians. When their efforts and accomplishments are acknowledged, technicians feel valued and appreciated for their contributions. This, in turn, enhances job satisfaction, leading to higher levels of engagement, loyalty, and commitment. Satisfied technicians are more likely to go the extra mile to ensure a successful first-time fix rate, as they take pride in their work and its impact on customer satisfaction.


By implementing these strategies, organizations can optimize intervention management, leading to improved response times, increased first-time fix rates, enhanced customer satisfaction, and more efficient resource utilization.