Enhance Your Remote Operations With These Best Tools and Practices

It’s been three years since the global pandemic was declared and many of its legacies, including the proliferation of remote work, remain. It was the first time that companies large and small were forced to consider operations that weren’t constrained by offices and locations on such a large scale.

According to a June 2022 Gallup survey, five in 10 American workers are performing hybrid-remote work, which entails a mix of working from home and reporting to the office. Moreover, three out of 10 employees are working remotely full-time.

With such drastic changes, business owners and managers must ensure that they have the proper provisions to ensure that they can make the most of the shift towards remote operations. Enhancing remote operations with some of the best tools and practices are critical for any business with a remote workforce to survive and thrive.

Hence, this article aims to shed light on tips and software that are relevant for most companies who must work together in a digital landscape. Our lists of technology solutions include tools for:

  • Communication
  • Project management
  • Cloud storage and file-sharing
  • Cybersecurity
  • Time-tracking

Let’s begin with a few tools that support communication and collaboration.

1. Communication and Collaboration Tools

When people were forced to work at home at the start of the pandemic, one of the major concerns was the lack of communication. Sure, there were email and messaging apps like WhatsApp and Messenger, but they were severely lacking. They only provided channels for messaging and not much more.

What organizations needed was a space where members could plan and organize their work even if they were physically unable to gather together. Having employees in one venue enabled them to share their perspectives in a dynamic environment. A chart could easily illustrate project goals, responsibilities, and deadlines.

Because of this gap, software developers capitalized on the needs of companies and offered various tools to make remote work easier for everyone. There were also tools created years ago that finally found a mainstream market.

Here are some of the most important communication and collaboration tools for remote or hybrid-remote work:

1.1. Zoom

Zoom is a web video conferencing platform that can accommodate as many as 300 participants. A large group can be broken down into smaller ones for breakout sessions and more detailed discussions.

Meeting presenters can share their reports through screen-sharing and the entire conference can be recorded for reference. The features and flexibility of Zoom made it one of the most popular meeting software for remote work.

1.2. Slack

Known for its intuitive user experience (UX) design, Slack has become one of the most important tools in remote and hybrid-remote practices. It’s great for collaboration because individuals can share files, send messages, and work so the entire team can be updated on the status of tasks and projects.

1.3. Skype

Unlike Zoom and Slack whose popularity skyrocketed during the pandemic, Skype was already a popular messaging application. However, in the last couple of years, management and employees gained a new appreciation for its remote-friendly features.

Unlike some of the more complex solutions on this list, Skype easily lets users message, call, and share content with each other without numerous buttons and configurations. It also offers file sharing, seamless integration with other apps, and chat rooms.

1.4. Microsoft Teams

Organizations with Microsoft-based systems often prefer the developer’s collaborative communication tool. Microsoft Teams is much simpler to learn and integrates well with other Microsoft apps. The platform allows you to create individual channels for projects where team members can communicate daily and provide updates.

1.5. Google Hangouts

Freelancers and startups with very few employees can rely on Google Hangouts. Since all you need is a Google account to access Hangouts and the rest of the Google Workspace, it’s easy to send messages, hold audio and video calls, and exchange files and emails.

All of these apps can be conveniently accessed through dedicated apps that are installed on your Android/iOS phone or computer. They can also be used through a web browser, so you don’t even have to install anything on your device.

2. Project Management Tools

One of the challenges with remote work is monitoring the progress of teams and individual employees. Instead of micromanaging people and asking for constant updates, consider project management tools. Project management tools allow seamless collaboration even when employees work in different time zones.

The following are a few of the most popular virtual project management tools:

2.1. Asana

Asana is a work management platform with to-do lists that enable users to simplify and organize workflows. It’s the ideal tool for recurring tasks and Gantt charts that monitor project timelines.

2.2. Trello

Team projects are easily accomplished and monitored with Trello. The tool relies on visual boards that allow the user to quickly see important details like the tasks that are being worked on, the people working on them, and their overall progress.

2.3. Monday.com

Monday.com features dashboards with customizable templates and timeline views. Each dashboard contains all the information about a specific project so members only need to open one channel to update their tasks.

3. Tips for Using Project Management Tools

Having project management tools aren’t enough. You also need to optimize their functionalities and features. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind when working with project management tools:

  • Train your employees to use them properly.
  • Always be open to feedback. Be willing to tweak the system and flow of operations for greater efficiency and convenience.
  • Set clear goals for each new project.
  • Perform evaluations and assessments regularly.
  • Avoid micromanaging and trust your team members to do their assignments.

4. Cloud Storage and File-Sharing Tools

With remote and hybrid-remote work, steel cabinets and boxes of voluminous documents are no longer necessary. Instead, files are stored in cloud-based software, which is better as people don’t need to spend a lot of time digging through records. They just need to type the appropriate keywords in the search box to access documents.

Some of the most well-known cloud-based storage solutions are:

4.1. Google Drive

Even before remote work became the norm, Google Drive was already popular because of its accessibility. People with internet connections can access files, as long as they have permission, which simplifies collaboration.

4.2. Dropbox

Dropbox has been around since 2008 but it hasn’t lost its significance in terms of file sharing. It encourages simple collaboration among team members and is easy to use and understand. The service has offline capabilities too.

4.3. Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft’s One Drive allows remote employees to synchronize data and share files. This is one of the most popular file-sharing services because it is from Microsoft and many organizations are already using their software. If you have software with the same developer, integration with other Microsoft products is flawless and consistent.

5. How Do These Tools Make Remote Work Better?

Aside from simplifying filing systems and eliminating the need for paper, which is a fire hazard anyway, here are some of the benefits of using cloud-based software for storing and sharing files:

  • Improved accessibility. Employees, wherever they are in the world, can open or edit files from a centralized system.
  • Better collaboration. People don’t need to email each other documents to access files.
  • There is no duplication of work or files.
  • Since everything is in the cloud, companies can employ simpler and faster backups.
  • Video collaboration is faster because of real-time features.
  • Since most of these tools are SaaS (software as a service), they are subscription-based, which means you only pay for the duration that you need them.

6. Cybersecurity Measures

The downside of remote work is the reliance on online tools and apps that are vulnerable to cyberattacks. With greater dependence on SaaS and other cloud-based applications, companies must deploy adequate cybersecurity measures.

According to a report, there was a 238% increase in cyber attacks during the pandemic. It’s thus essential for organizations to adopt cybersecurity in their processes and instill the importance of information security practices among employees.

The following are vital cybersecurity measures for every organization:

  • Invest in a reliable and comprehensive antivirus suite for all employees.
  • Every employee must use a virtual private network (VPN) to ensure data is protected, especially when sharing files and when using public WiFi (which must be avoided if possible). Use only the best VPN for Mac/MacOS or Android VPN from a reputable company or one that has great reviews.
  • Work devices must not be used for personal activities and only authorized personnel should have access to shared spaces.
  • Implement a zero-trust framework. This assumes that the network is always at risk despite a comprehensive security system. This means organizations will always verify users and devices before being given access to data.
  • Turn off the web camera when not in use to prevent hackers from hijacking it.
  • Advise employees against saving files locally. Everything must be stored in a centralized repository.

7. Time-Tracking Software

How do you know that people are actually working at home? Some companies feel the need for time-tracking software. Attendance software isn’t just for managers because it is also a way for employees to more consciously budget their time while getting alerts for upcoming deadlines.

What are some of the best time-tracking software today?

7.1. TogglTrack

TogglTrack can be used for any type of time tracking at work but it is best for those who bill by the hour. Special features include performance dashboards, reminders, and calendar integration for collaborations.

7.2. Time Analytics

As the name implies, Time Analytics doesn’t just monitor the time of employees. It also provides insights on projects like how much time was spent on certain activities during the week. The software allows companies to organize weekly tasks on one screen while providing a daily timesheet for projects and weekly timesheets for each employee.

7.3. Hubstaff

Hubstaff offers time tracking with screenshots, which can be used as proof that the employee was working. There is also GPS tracking, which can be necessary for organizations with large workforces from different locations. The software seamlessly integrates with over 40 applications.

8. The Importance of Time-Trackers

While trusting employees is good, you also need to consider the possibility that some of them may take advantage of the fact that their activities aren’t as visible. To address any doubts about employees’ work, companies can implement time trackers. They have other benefits as well, including:

  • Team managers can track their team’s productivity individually and as a whole.
  • Companies can measure and even promote productivity. There are tools that issue reminders and alerts for upcoming deadlines.
  • Time trackers provide a picture of how much time is spent working which is important for work-life balance.
  • The system encourages employees to manage their workloads better.
  • There is greater transparency in the work process.

9. Getting Used to These Remote Tools

To make the most of remote work arrangements, employees must get used to all these tools and platforms. Help your employees learn about them by offering training whether onsite or virtually. Knowledge management is necessary to ensure that employees have a clear idea of what these different tools are for and how to use them.

If you’re only beginning to implement remote work, it may be necessary to have more training sessions in groups and on a one-on-one basis. In addition to your company-sponsored training, many of these tools also have online references and tutorials that can shorten the learning curve.

If you have a tech-savvy workforce, the learning process may be even simpler. It’s possible that a central repository with relevant how-to guides and instruction manuals is all you need to give them. After endorsing the files to them, they can learn the basics on their own and at their own pace. Of course, they should be able to contact you for clarifications and concerns.

10. Conclusion

Remote work can be an enriching and much-needed shift that doesn’t compromise collaboration and productivity. The key is to introduce the right tools, give your employees opportunities to learn how to use them, and promote their use.

The most common types of solutions you need are those that help with communication and collaboration, provide cloud storage and file-sharing features, offer information and system security, and have time-tracking functionalities.

By embracing common tools that support remote operations, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying all the benefits of remote work with minimal issues.